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SwissBorg app now available in French!

French app launch
Jacqui Pretty Head of Marketing

Jacqui Pretty

Head of Marketing

We are excited to share that the wait is over - the SwissBorg app is now available in French!

If you are an Android user who already has French set as your device language, we have good news - the SwissBorg app will be in French as soon as you download the latest version!

If you are an iOS user, you can change your language settings by going to Settings -> SwissBorg -> Preferred Language, and select French as your preferred language. (Note that you will also need to download the latest version of the app for French language to be enabled.)

French is the first language in our internationalisation roadmap, with the German version expected to be released in 2022, and other languages to come!

Try the SwissBorg app in French today!

Download now